Customized High Quality Infrared Filters

An optical filter is a device that selectively transmits or rejects certain wavelengths or colors of light. It is used to modify the spectral properties of light by either blocking specific wavelengths or allowing only certain wavelengths to pass through. Optical filters are widely used in various applications, including photography, spectroscopy, telecommunications, and imaging. They can be made from various materials such as glass, plastic, or thin films, and can have different types of filtering mechanisms, including absorption, reflection, and interference. There are different types of optical filters, including bandpass filters, longpass filters, shortpass filters, notch filters, and dichroic filters. Each type of filter has a specific wavelength range that it transmits or blocks, allowing for precise control over the light spectrum. Optical filters are essential in many scientific and technological fields, enabling researchers and engineers to manipulate and control li…

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